“Jesus, I put everything in Your Hands” (11/09/2008) Jesus

Publié le par www.coeurs-unis.org

My beloved,
To put everything in My Hands does not mean to deal with nothing any more.

When you entrust me with your concerns, do not say: “I give you everything Jesus, and I go over to something else”. No, I need your prayer because when you tell Me: “Jesus, I put everything in Your Hands”, it means that I come and espouse in you, both your demand, but also all that will make up My answer.
I also come and offer you the acceptance of My vision on things and the way everything will take place.

If you are to suffer crucifixion with me, then by handing everything to Me, you also agree to receive the strength that you will need to welcome everything.

It is a communion with Me in the event which you accept, allowing you to come on the road chosen by My Divine Heart, receiving not your but My glance, not your but My acceptance, not what you believe but what I see.

Thank you Jesus

© 2008  www.coeurs-unis.org

Publié dans Jesus-Christ

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