“To recognize God in everything guiding you” (08/10/2010) The Virgin Mary

Publié le par www.coeurs-unis.org

My children,
When watching at water surface, a mother duck swimming together with its kids behind it, you can see it changing movement and each goes the same way in order to learn to go day after day.

The same goes for you my children, you always need to follow a guide, to have a hand to grip, to follow the path opened by someone before you, who got you ready.
You are so designed to adapt to obedience in front of someone capable of guiding you.
There lays your strength, but also your weakness, for the enemy has put on your way lots of false guides, lots of guides that do not come from God.
This is why you must remain vigilant, and know that your only guide is God Almighty, coming to offer Himself through Jesus.

This is why I ask you today, more than ever, not to let yourself be guided by all that is dazzling, by all that seems to bring you immediate delight, without any related explanation, and instantly generates all possible effects in order to drown yourself in illusion.

Keep being extremely careful, in front of all that appears in front of you, coming from human manufacturing.

You first have to recognize God in everything that you do, in everything that influences you, in everything that guides you.
For Times are coming, false prophets are multiplying, and illusion gain souls.
Only those knowing to pronounce the Holy Name of Jesus will be able to offer others the right path.
For any human being living in love is a being capable of following and meeting Jesus, even if in his education, no one ever told him about my Son.




My children, I bless you. Live with a cheerful heart, full of hope, for amidst all this, there always is The Path, that of Truth, that of Life. There is Jesus.

Thank you Mary





© 2010 www.coeurs-unis.org


Publié dans The Virgin Mary

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