“You are offered My Mercy abundantly” (04/19/2009) Jesus

Publié le par www.coeurs-unis.org

My beloved,
You are offered My Mercy abundantly, it flows freely for each one of you like a cascade of fresh water under which you can come and wash whenever you wish to, at any moment, while knowing that it adapts to your needs, to your sensitivity, to your urgencies, to your expectations.
My Mercy is the offered grace corresponding to all that is misery inside you.
Should your sins abound, then My Mercy will abound and you will be washed and reconstructed all the more.
Your fears not to be loved by My Divine Heart slow you down on your way to reconciliation, but when looking at the Wound of My Heart, you can then understand to what extent you are loved by Me since My Heart opened for you.

Thank you Jesus

©  2009   www.coeurs-unis.org

Publié dans Jesus-Christ

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