“Do not doubt this Love” (06/22/2010) The Virgin Mary

Publié le par www.coeurs-unis.org

My children,
You permanently abide under the Glance of God. And yet this glance escapes from you.
Too often you enter the doubt, and the feeling of abandonment. Yet your Father never abandons you.
Your souls know that, but your hearts and reasons forget it.

It is so important, my children, that you may recognize what Love God loves of, in order to secure each of your steps and help you cross the trials.

Do not doubt this Love, it is for you, the help and cement that you need at any time.




My children, I bless you. In each of my meetings with you, I come and teach you, as to little ones, to secure your steps and, most of all, to raise your hearts towards God.

Thank you Mary




© 2010 www.coeurs-unis.org


Publié dans The Virgin Mary

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