“Where joy is not, God cannot stay” (10/15/2008) The Virgin Mary

Publié le par www.coeurs-unis.org

Where joy is not, God cannot stay.
When hearts close to hope, Jesus happens to be bound hands.
When a heart refuses to open to the Resurrection of Jesus, then this heart suffers, deprived of light, deprived of life.

To share joy does not mean to become unconscious, does not mean not to care about anything to refuse any suffering.

The joy of God is knowing for certain that God acts in all things and offers the soul the rest it is entitled to in exchange for its steps of faith.

The joy in God means handing one’s human incapacities to the Almighty God who can everything for all and for each.

The joy in God means refusing the attacks of the devil who tries to cause the downfall of the soul by taking it away from any hope.

The joy in God means not to fight against God’s Will while knowing all that God does is way of wisdom, of sanctity and of life.

When a heart lets the Joy of God in, said heart is nearing sanctity since it welcomes God himself.
When Your Father opens His arms, then He reveals you of which Love you are loved, but He reveals you only the part that your human capacities can see. This is a tiny little part compared with the scale of the Love He feels for each one of you.

My children, I bless you. God’s Love is reflected in the souls and the hearts of the all the Saints, and when God bends over a soul, the prayers of the Saints are then in such a harmony that the Heart of God can but answer their prayers.

Thank you Mary

© 2008  www.coeurs-unis.org

Publié dans The Virgin Mary

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