“But always fight in order to respect what God asked you" (09/06/2008) The Virgin Mary

Publié le par www.coeurs-unis.org

My children,
Always have at heart to respect God’s Will even if humanly one try and oppose what is set up in your life by God's Will.

Fight, fight even if it has to cost you sufferings, abandons, renunciation, but always fight to respect what God asked you.

Once you have made this decision, you will feel blowing the wind of freedom, of the offered love, the wind of self-sacrifice which allows to be strengthened in God.

Yes my children, never regret having followed Jesus, because so that you can say “Yes” to Him, my Son gave His Life for you. This Life which came and put down in each of you the seed of eternal life.

For it today, you all have to go up to the end of what God asks you while knowing that every effort will be in you, carried out by Jesus Him-Self.

My children I bless you. In the depths of each of your hearts there lays this desire to say "yes" to God. As long as this desire did not invade your entire beings, your souls, your bodies, your reason for living, there will always be conflicts in you. These conflicts create great weariness, great tiredness, and losses of strength.
Only while saying definitively "yes" to God your road will become light and will be similar to mine.

Thank you Mary

© 2008  www.coeurs-unis.org

Publié dans The Virgin Mary

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