"Ask for clarity in everything you do" (08/18/2008) The Virgin Mary

Publié le par www.coeurs-unis.org

My children,
To move forward in a labyrinth often results in a big waste of time and may lead you to a dead end.
Do not create your own labyrinths by seeking complications where everything is simple, by accepting dishonest compromises that will take you away from the road drawn by God.
What God selects for each one, is a road at the end of which the outcome is certain, a road the access of which may sometimes seem difficult but where however only souls filled with confidence can walk.

Ask for clarity in everything you do, in what you undertake, in what you agree to. Also ask it for those whom you know and who seem to waste much time.
Only a straight heart can clearly hear what God expects from him.

If the ways of God sometimes seem inexplicable, what is important is to be able to follow them, for darkness is always given by those minds that could not welcome the clarity of God in themselves.

Personal ideas delay God’s scheme.
It is important for all and for each of you, to offer your Father a renunciation, not unconsciously, but voluntarily offered in full knowledge of the infinite kindness of God.

My children, I bless you. While following what God asks you, you win a precious time.
How many inner fights could have been avoided should my children have always acted in a full confidence on God.

Thank you Mary

© 2008  www.coeurs-unis.org

Publié dans The Virgin Mary

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