“I am coming today to warn you.” (07/16/2008) The Virgin Mary

Publié le par www.coeurs-unis.org

My children,
Earth’s crust can lift like an orange peel, and become crumbly as the result of tremors inflicted from the very heart of the Earth.

All that appears to be solid can break within a while.
All that makes you feel safe can become a threat to you.
Nothing should be considered as a shelter or a place giving any protection, as safety and comfort, except the Heart of Jesus.

If you live within God’s Love, if you live as children of God, if you live in the innocence of souls receiving everything from God, then you live according to reliable values.
If you live according to Earth’s standards of safety, then you will be like the powerful ones who will fall off their thrones.

I am coming today to warn you, not in order to frighten you, but on the contrary in order to guide you.

If you live within love, if you live in confidence and acceptance, then you in turn, by the grace of God, will become reliable values.

Everything is in the Hands of The One who created you. Do not ever stay far from His Arms.
Thus, you in turn will be part of the builders whom He will need.

My children, I bless you. Tank you for delivering this message on the website. Ask me to bless it and to bless those who will read it.

Thank you Mary

© 2008  www.coeurs-unis.org

Publié dans The Virgin Mary

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