“To also be able to leave behind everything you know to accept God’s Truth.” (01/14/2007) Saint François-Regis

Publié le par www.coeurs-unis.org

To move forward to God, you need at the same time, rigor, discipline, but also enough fantasy in your soul to accept everything that is not Cartesian.

To walk on the paths of Reason, you need to be able to leave behind the reason of the Earth, to feed on God, to have in the depths of your heart, the look of God on the events, on the beings, and on yourself.

It is necessary to use all one’s knowledge to be able to welcome the real Intelligence, the one coming from God.
But you need to also be able to leave behind everything you know to accept God’s Truth.

Thank you St François-Régis

© 2007   www.coeurs-unis.org

Publié dans Saint François-Régis

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