“Let your whole life be praise to The Lord. » (10/08/2007) The Virgin Mary

Publié le par www.coeurs-unis.org

My children,

Let your whole life be praise to The Lord. Ask your Father to be given the grace to open your eyes on all that He gives you day after day. Ask the grace to be able to regard all that seems normal to you as a present from God.
Your Father unceasingly has His eyes posed on you. He knows your pains, He knows your sorrows and He knows every single expectation of yours.
If what you receive does not meet your expectations, then tell yourself that perhaps you did not see what was so important for your step towards Eternal Life.

Every day seek after what is a reason for you to rejoice, because God will not lose memory of any of you. If you are facing adversity, have the reflex to tell yourself “I know that God, my Father, has not lost memory of me. Then, if the instant is difficult, it is because I have something to learn in view of the sanctification of my soul”.

Seek after what you may have omitted among the details of your day-time, and which could have been a reason for you to rejoice. You will see how much you will find to thank God for. The more you will allow hope to come into your heart, the more you will allow Jesus to act for you.

When a heart is closed, it does not hear anymore, it does not see. And even if the grace arises, it will remain blind and death. If a heart is opened, then it will be able to receive the dew offered by God, which will become, within the instant, an abundant rain of graces, just because the heart will be available.
Open your arms, God wants to give you unceasingly, do not risk missing the date when the grace comes through to you.

My children, I bless you. The battle remains unceasingly present. The enemy tries to make you close your arms, to force you to retreat into yourself, so that you do not see the Eyes filled with love of my Son permanently leaned on you.
Refuse all that leads you to sadness, in order to be able to welcome the joy given in abundance by your Heavenly Father.

Thank you Mary

© 2007  www.coeurs-unis.org

Publié dans The Virgin Mary

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